The color of love sandra kitt 9781480438781 netgalley. The color of love tells the story of leah downey, a black graphic artist and her unlikely relationship with jason horn, a white cop. Her titles including suddenly, close encounters and family affairs have earned a significant amount of praise within the publishing industry. Mar 22, 2019 just a few of my favorite bwwm ir books see more ideas about books, writing romance and bwwm. Shop amongst our popular books, including 21, the color of love, between friends and more from sandra kitt. Sandra kitt was born in new york city as the eldest of four children. Sandra kitt does an excellent job of weaving an intricate story around a number of sharply defined characters.
The sandra kitt collection volume one by kitt, sandra ebook. Read the color of love online by sandra kitt books free 30day. Color of love by sandra kitt overdrive rakuten overdrive. Sandra has appeared on the black board best seller list in essence magazine. An artist trapped in an unfulfilling relationship, leah downey wants more out of life. Sandra kitts first mainstream novel, the color of love, was released in. Sandra kitt is an africanamerican author of contemporary romance novels. This well written book explores, with tenderness, the complexities involved in the evolution of the relationship between leah and jason. Color of love by sandra kitt free pdf file sharing. The color of love ebook por sandra kitt 9781480438781. Her work has been nominated for the naacp image award and has appeared on theessence and blackboard bestseller lists. The color of love by kitt, sandra and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Three passionate and sensitive contemporary romance novels from an essencebestselling. She launched the successful arabesque line, now under the kimani press imprint, and she is the recipient of.
In the color of love, kitt explores an interracial relationship between an african american woman named leah who is a graphic designer and a white man named jason, who is a new york city police officer. Sandra kitts most popular book is the color of love. Fast forward to 20, and i found myself reading the color of love once again, and to my sheer delight, it was like reading it again for the first time. Her work has been nominated for the naacp image award and has appeared on the essence a.
Sandra kitts novels include the color of love, the next best thing, for all we know to benefit st. Aug 27, 20 sandra kitt is the author of more than twenty novels, including the color of love, significant others, and close encounters, as well as numerous short stories. Acclaimed for her moving depictions of interracial love, bestselling author sandra kitt delivers a passionate and provocative tale of modern romance an artist trapped in an unfulfilling relationship, leah downey wants more out of life. All of sandra kitts books hold your interest and really capture the everyday lives of people in society. Sandra was the first black writer ever to publish with harlequin. Sandra kitt has 44 books on goodreads with 7599 ratings. Color of love sandra kitt acclaimed for her moving depictions of interracial love, bestselling author sandra kitt delivers a passionate and provocative tale of modern romancean artist trapped in an unfulfilling relationship, leah downey wants more out of life. This was the first book i read by sandra kitt, and it will always remain my favorite of her work. Each time i read a book by sandra kitt, i notice ive done so in basically one sitting because they hold me in their thrall. The color of love was also optioned by hbo and lifetime from a script by sandra sandra has appeared on the black board best seller list in essence magazine.
The color of love by sandra kitt ebook open road media. The color of love is one of my alltime favorite books. In the color of love and significant others, kitt delved into issues of interracial relationships and biracial children with great sensitivity and understanding. The color of love leah downey walked gracefully down the oak staircase while sipping from a half finished cup of coffee. Ive read three other multicultural romances by sandra kitt and they are all top notch. The sandra kitt collection volume two by kitt, sandra ebook. In 1995, kitt emerged from the romance genre with her first mainstream novel, the color of love. The color of love was also optioned by hbo and lifetime from a script by sandra. Read unlimited books and audiobooks on the web, ipad, iphone and android. The color of love ebook by sandra kitt rakuten kobo.
Librarything is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. The color of love by sandra kitt love in the margins. She is the recipient of the romantic times lifetime achievement award and the zora neale hurston literary award. She launched the successful arabesque line, now under the kimani press imprint, and she is the recipient of two lifetime achievement awards, one from romantic. Kitt tells the story focusing on n i have to say, that i am really glad that i kept my copy of this book all these years. Sandra kitt has 44 books on goodreads with 7597 ratings. Read the color of love by sandra kitt for free with a 30 day free trial. After graduating from the music and art high school in new york, she earned a bachelors degree in fine arts from city college of new york. Lynn harris as a bold and imaginative tale that is sure to keep readers turning the pages, sandra kitts interracial love story presents a man and a woman whose fates are changed forever by a random act of violence lee grafton is a divorced cop and the father of a teenage girl. Close encounters by sandra kitt nook book ebook barnes. Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and.
The colours of love 1977 canadian documentary film about artist marc chagall. In addition to a fulltime job, professional organizations and an active social life, bestselling author sandra kitt has managed to write over 20 books. Click to read more about the color of love by sandra kitt. Sandra kitt books list of books by author sandra kitt. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders. Her work has been nominated for the naacp image award and has appeared on the essence and blackboard bestseller lists. Perfect combination by sandra kitt, maggie shayne alibris. Forever yours\\serenade\\beguiled arabesque collectors series, and more on. The color of love by sandra kitt nook book ebook barnes. She was alone in the house and, for this morning at least, was grateful for the solitude. Sandra kitt is the author of more than twenty novels, including the color of love, significant others, and close encounters, as well as numerous short stories. Sandra kitt, author info, published books, bio, photo. Acclaimed for her moving depictions of interracial love, bestselling author sandra kitt delivers a passionate and provocative tale of modern romance. Acclaimed for her moving depictions of interracial love, bestselling author sandra kitt delivers a passionate and provocative tale of modern romancean artist.
The color of love, romance novel by sandra kitt 2000. Books by sandra kitt author of the color of love goodreads. See all books authored by sandra kitt, including the color of love, and first touch. During college she worked parttime at the astronomy library at the american museum of natural history in new york. Lee the color of love por sandra kitt disponible en rakuten kobo. Read the color of love by sandra kitt available from rakuten kobo. Sandra kitts first mainstream novel, the color of love, was released in 1995 from to critical acclaim from library journal, and usa today. From breaking ground as the first african american author to write for harlequin to her mainstream success with the color of love and many other acclaimed novels, essencebestselling author sandra kitt has received honors ranging from a romantic times lifetime achievement award to a zora neale hurston award and an naacp image award nomination.
After graduating from the music and art high school in new york, 1 she earned a bachelors degree in fine arts from city college of new york. Acclaimed for her moving depictions of interracial love, bestselling author sandra kitt delivers a passionate and provoc. My sister reminded me of the book a few months ago, which led us both to reminiscence about the brilliance and enjoyment sandra kitt was able to bring to life in her immensely entertaining book. Founded in 1997, has become a leading book price comparison site. Forever yours\serenade\beguiled arabesque collectors series, and more on. Sandra kitts first mainstream novel, the color of love, was released in 1995 from signet books. Information about the book, the color of love fiction, mass market paperback, by sandra kitt signet, mar 01, 1995 african american literature book club celebrating our literary legacy since 1997 black literature is for everyone african american literature book club.
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